Archaeopteryx Suite (2020)

I. Pelagornis
II. Phorusrhacos
III. Harpagornis
IV. Argentavis
V. Archaeopteryx

Archaeopteryx is a cycle of compositions inspired by huge prehistoric birds, with each movement named after a species. Pelagornis, a seabird with a 6m wingspan, the 3m-tall flightless “terror bird” Phorusracos, and others, including the eponymous Archaeopteryx, the earliest known bird. These long-extinct majestic winged creatures, known only through incomplete fossils, scientific descriptions and drawings, evoke a sense of transcendence and mystery which imbues the music. It is composed for String Quartet and Ableton Push.

Duration: 25:00
Instrumentation: String Quartet and Ableton Push
Premiered by: Nonsemble at Dots+Loops REBOOT Dec 12 2020
Additional Performances: Nonsemble at Anywhere Festival, Queensland Museum, 21 May 2021; Nonsemble at UQ School of Music, 9 September 2021; Nonsemble at Brisbane Festival, 21 September 2021.